1.0 Hand Powered Cars

HotWheels~~!! Beat That!!

1:47 AM

First Time Ever!!!!

Posted by Oneyard

Its the first time ever in my life that I found a green carded car..
But to make it more meaningful and special.. I found not just one.. but two different green carded cars in one day.. The feeling after buying it is really nice...

Here it is.. My first time ever T-Hunt...

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Anonymous said...

hye there... may i ask whats special about those green cards???

Oneyard said...

Well.. the green cards are T-Hunt.. or TH.. or Treasure Hunt.. or what ever you want to call it.. Is quite rare in the market.. some are easy to find.. but most of it.. is really2 hard to find.. especially those T-Hunt$ = special t-hunt.. (notice the dollar sign..) The one that i have is just a normal t-hunt.. not the special one...

Starscream said...

I can empathise with you mate - given the amount of "insider trading" going about. Congrats!! =)